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Falcons Primary School


School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. At Falcons School we believe that our school uniform is important for the following reasons:

  • It helps to foster a sense of belonging to the school community.
  • It enables a child to identify with and to be seen as a member of the school.
  • It helps children to understand that school is important and should be taken seriously.
  • It assures both parent and teacher that the child is wearing clothes that are smart and sensible, and helps remove the potential problems that fashion and competition could bring about.

The wearing of school uniform is a key school rule and our uniform code is strongly enforced. On entering school parents and pupils sign the Home School Agreement which emphasizes this aspect of the school’s expectations.

Non-school uniform items are not acceptable.
Staff at the school will speak to children who are not wearing the correct uniform. Parents will be written to if the uniform rules are not adhered to.

School uniform will now be available to purchase at Uniform Direct



The children in our Reception classes wear a slightly modified version of the uniform to the rest of the school. Reception children do not wear a tie or blazer, they can begin wearing these from Year 1. Boys trousers may be grey or dark grey (as in the photo below) but not black.