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Falcons Primary School


At Falcons we recognise that Commuting is an important life skill. Technology is a part of everyday life and for most of us, it is essential to our lives at home and at work. At Falcons we learn vital Computing skills and knowledge as well as ensuring technology is embedded throughout the curriculum. We follow The Purple Mash Scheme of Work. The scheme is high quality, engaging and ensures clear progression over time.

Internet Safety is an integral part of the Computing Curriculum at Falcons and children are routinely taught different aspects of keeping themselves safe when using technology. 

The Primary National Curriculum for Computing at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 is split into three strands: information technology, digital literacy and computer science.

Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology.

Digital literacy
 is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication.

Computer Science helps children of all ages to understand how computers and networks work. It gives all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming, from simple floor robots in Years 1 and 2, right up to creating on-screen computer games and programmes by Year 6.

Computer Vocabulary  Using the correct words mean that we can be precise in our explanations and help us solve problems quicker.  Below are some vocabulary maps for each year group - if you would like one printed for at home, please ask your teacher to print one for you. 



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